Thursday, 19 December 2013

Opening hours over Christmas and the New Year

The Knowledge and Library Services will be closed for the holidays over Christmas and the New Year.

Whipps Cross
Monday 23 December
 8.30am  5pm
 8am 5pm
Tuesday 24 December

 9am 1pm
Wednesday 25 December to Friday 27 December
Monday 30 December
 9am 5pm
Tuesday 31 December
 9am  4pm
Wednesday 1 January
Thursday 2 January to Friday 3 January
 8.30am –  5pm
 9am  5pm

The Cyber Room and Knowledge Hub at Newham will remain open during this period. Normal services will resume on Thursday 2nd January 2014. During the closure books may be returned into the White Book Bin on the main corridor outside the Upstairs doors to the Alan Naftalin Centre for Education at Newham or into the White Book Bin at the top of the stairs to the Library in the MEC at Whipps Cross. Visit the Barts Health Library Catalogue to renew or request books online or email any enquiries you may have to the Library.                 
(c) Image Creative Commons - Mariagrazia - pH                          

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Knowledge and Library Services closures on Monday 16th December 2013

The Knowledge and Library Services at Newham will be closed on Monday 16th December 2013 for a Trust Departmental Meeting. The Cyber room and Knowledge Hub will remain available. Normal services will resume on Tuesday 17th December 2013. During the closure books may be returned into the White Book Bin on the main corridor outside the Upstairs doors to the Education Centre.

The Knowledge and Library Services at Whipps Cross will be closed on Monday 16th December 2013 between 9.30am-2.30pm. It will be open at 8am-9.30am and 2.30pm-5pm.

Visit Barts Health Library Catalogue to renew books online or email any enquiries you may have to the Library.

(c) Image Creative Commons - marsmet526

Monday, 16 September 2013

Informa Healthcare Journals Trial (September - November 2013)

Barts Health NHS Trust Knowledge and Library Services is pleased to announce a three month trial to Informa Healthcare Journals from September to November 2013. During this period, all staff and students on placement will have unrestricted access to high impact research content across a vast range of therapeutic disciplines, from bench to bedside. Review research content from over 180 peer reviewed journals including Expert Opinion and the Expert Reviews series.

Some of the most cited titles among healthcare professionals include:
  • British Journal of Neurosurgery
  • Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 
  • International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
  • Journal of Mental Health
  • Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Medical Teacher
To access all these and more, visit the Journals and Databases site and search by title (You will need to login with your NHS Athens username and password).

If need any further information, please contact the Library 
Newham - 020 7363 8016
Whipps Cross - 020 8535 6973

Monday, 2 September 2013

Clinical Key EBooks now searchable on the Library Catalogue

There are now over a thousand leading medical and surgical Ebooks from ClinicalKey covering all major specialties available to search on the Library catalogue. Simply click on the resource link for access (you will still be required to login to ClinicalKey).

You can also browse these books on the ClinicalKey website.

Your NHS Athens account gives you access to full-text, images and video clips.

For help on how to access ClinicalKey, click here.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

MedHand for Foundation Year Doctors

Barts Health NHS Trust has been selected to pilot MedHand under the auspicies of UCL Partners. It will be made available to foundation year doctors on their own devices. Access BNF, Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Oxford Handbook for the Foundation Programme, Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry, together with local guidelines and protocols on your own mobile device.

The package of resources will aid work based learning and the treatment and care of patients by giving rapid access to reliable and up-to-date information on the go. Optimising access to information can potentially aid junior doctors' training, ensuring accurate prescribing and elevating the quality of information provided to patients.

To express an interest in subscribing to this package, please contact your Local NHS Library with your name, department, email address, phone number and Foundation Year.

                                                                                                                       (c) Image Creative Commons - andyde 

  Whipps Cross: 020 8535 6973 x5311
Newham: 020 7363 8016 x8016

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

DynaMed – try it today!

Barts Health NHS Trust Knowledge and Library Services (KLS) have arranged a three-month trial, from August to October 2013, of DynaMed, a point of care resource tool similar to UpToDate. DynaMed provides clinically organised summaries for over 3,000 disease and condition topics, incorporating over 1,000 drug topics, and was recently chosen by NHS Scotland as its resource of choice.

  • Updated daily making it the most current point of care tool on the market. 
  • Aims to answer clinical questions during practice.
  • Offers direct reference links to more than 2,000 full-text journal titles.  
  • Provides targeted support for nurses and allied health professionals through the Nursing and Rehabilitation Reference Centres.
  • Offers a facility to obtain CPD points.
  • CME form can be used to register online learning which can then be submitted as part of a Doctors CPD portfolio.
  • Available as a mobile application via smartphones including PDA, Blackberry or iPhone.              

How to access DynaMed

From the Trust intranet, go to the ‘I want to’ menu and select “Try DynaMed – a new point of care tool” OR go to the 'access a systems and applications' page and select “DynaMed - a new clincial reference tool on trial at Barts Health.” 

Click here to access it using your NHS Athens username and password.

You can also download the DynaMed app to use on your mobile device.  Contact the library for an individual logon.

All clinicians are encouraged to take advantage of the trial and put DynaMed through its paces as it has received extremely good reviews and is considerably more affordable than UpToDate. Please feedback your thoughts by completing a brief online survey.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Hands-on UpToDate Training 05/08/13

All staff and students on placement with Barts Health NHS Trust are invited to a session where all  the questions you have about UpToDate can be answered. UpToDate is a clinical decision support system that uses current evidence to answer clinical questions quickly and easily at the point of care.

This event will be held in the Library at Newham University Hospital and facilitated by Jennifer Lewis, a representative from UpToDate.

Monday, 05 August 2013
1.00 - 2.00 pm

Come along and learn about essential components on UpToDate as well as tips that will save you time when conducting searches. UpToDate can be linked from the "I want to" panel of the Trust Intranet and the Library Catalogue Homepage. It is also available offsite using your NHS Athens username and password.

                                                                                                                                      (c) Image Creative Commons - Janitors

Thursday, 25 July 2013

BMJ Learning via Athens

All Barts Health NHS Trust staff and students on placement have access to BMJ Learning via Athens.

BMJ Learning is an independent online learning service designed to support doctors, nurses, paramedics, GPs, midwives, students and other healthcare practitioners with their personal development, learning, and continuing medical education (CME) needs.

It offers hundreds of short, interactive e-learning modules which cover a range of clinical and non-clinical topics to help you stay up to date with your educational needs, whether they be for training, practice, appraisal, revalidation or exam preparation purposes. There are over 70 specialty areas available to browse.

You can also select content tailored to your profession in 10 languages (You can change your language settings at the top right of the page to view the translated modules).

How do I access it?

You will need NHS Athens username and password to access BMJ Learning. Go to the help guide if you need help obtaining an NHS Athens account. Go to the BMJ Learning homepage once you have your NHS Athens account.

Click on the link the "Sign in" on the top right hand side of the page and select "Athens users sign in here" from the drop down.

                          This opens the Athens authentication page.

Enter your NHS Athens details and login. You will be prompted to register if it is your first time logging on to BMJ Learning via Athens. Click on the "Register now" button at the bottom of the page.

You will be led through the registration steps of creating your BMJ Learning account where you can give details about yourself and your profession.

You will only need to go through this process once. Once your account is set up, you can use BMJ Learning from computers with internet access anywhere.

When next you login, use the "Athens users sign in here" option from the "sign in" drop down at the top right hand corner of the home page (Your NHS Athens account and BMJ Learning account would have been linked together during your registration).

Once registered and logged in, you can set up weekly personalised updates on modules relevant to you by signing up for email alerts from BMJ Learning on your home page. You can also access your BMJ portfolio, recommended modules and the most popular modules from your home page.

You can browse also browse all modules by specialty or search.

If you have any problems do not hesitate to contact your local NHS Library.

Knowledge and Library Services                                       Knowledge and Library Services
Newham University Hospital                                             Whipps Cross University Hospital
020 7363 8016                                                                020 8535 6973 

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Training to support evidence based practice

The Knowledge and Library Services at Barts Health NHS Trust runs training sessions which are freely available on request to all Barts Health NHS Trust staff and students on placement. These sessions aim to help users learn more about finding information to support evidence based practice.

You may request for a session tailored specifically to your professional group or a one-to-one session by simply contacting the Library at your preferred site. The session can be delivered in your workplace or in a training area at a time to suit you.

We currently run sessions on the following:

Literature Searching (requires an NHS Athens username and password)
Learn to search for journal articles for patient care, research and study using quality health literature databases, including Medline, CINAHL and EMBASE. It covers search preparation, how to perform in-depth literature searches and access to full articles.

Critical Appraisal (requires reading a supplied research paper prior to the session)
Learn the pros, cons and principles of Critical Appraisal. Learn the different levels of evidence and differences between quantitative and qualitative research. Find out about appraisal tools available to help you critically appraise a research paper.

Searching UpToDate effectively (requires an NHS Athens username and password)
Learn about the clinical topics and specialities of UpToDate and how to search its content to answer clinical questions quickly and easily at the point of care. 

Making the most of Athens and the Library
Learn about the resources and facilities the Library has and how to use them. This is a quick course that will save you time as you use the Library. Join the library, learn how to find and borrow books, use the Library Catalogue, set up an Athens account and access full articles quickly.

Discovering The Cochrane Library
Learn how to use The Cochrane Library and its six databases to search for systematic reviews and current clinical trials. Find out about the levels of evidence and where Cochrane reviews fit in.

NHS Evidence
Learn how to find quality evaluated health information from NICE by searching NHS Evidence. Learn how to browse the A-Z Topics and medicines, find guidelines, information and uncertainties on treatments, patients' information and NICE pathways.

Health Information on the Internet
Learn about the variety of databases available for locating and downloading quality health information. It identifies those that are freely accessible and those that require an NHS Athens username and password. It also covers searching and accessing the content of these databases. 

Searching the Trip database
Learn how to search multiple evidence-based medicine resources on the Trip database for quick answers to clinical questions.

The power to Google
Learn how to use tips and tricks to find quality healthcare information on the internet effectively and solve everyday problems. Find out how to focus Google searches for better quality results and locate different types of content such as Books, Images, News etc.

                  Feel free to contact the Library if you want training on some other topic.


                                                NEWHAM UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL

                                                        02073638016 Ext. 8016

02085356973 Ext. 5311

        02073638016 OR 02085356973           
                                                                                                                  (c) Image Creative Commons - limecools

Friday, 3 May 2013

UpToDate access restored!

(c) foomandoonian
Resolved 28 May 2013

Links to UpToDate from the Barts Health Intranet are now working again.  The link on the Barts Health Catalogue will be restored shortly.

Access is still available using your Athens login (which also gets you into all our great ejournals).  Follow your usual link > click Log in > Athens Log in and enter your Athens details.  You may be prompted to set up a linked account but you can skip this if you are not planning to use UpToDate regularly offsite. 

For those not already familiar with UpToDate it is a point of care tool to help you answer clinical questions quickly. It has a straightforward search box and offers topic reviews that include a synthesis of the literature, recent evidence and specific recommendations for patient care.

Athens access means you can use at the location of your convenience.  While not mobile optimised it is also possible to open the system on the device of your choice.

You can self register for Athens from any Barts Health PC and once registered you can use it from any PC.  

If you already have an Athens login but have forgotten your details or just need some help contact the teams at and  

Thursday, 28 February 2013

NHS Athens account registration - a guide

An NHS Athens username and password provides you with access to online resources that help with your practice or study. These resources are purchased nationally by the NHS, or more locally by NHS London or local NHS Trusts.

Getting an Athens account involves a self-registration process and you are advised to complete it on an NHS computer. Simply go to the Barts Health Catalogue or you can use a search engine to search for "Barts Health Catalogue".

Click the Athens Registration tab

This will take you to NHS England Athens Registration form.You can click on the "Help me to complete this form" option on any page for further assistance.

Athens account eligibility and email
Your eligibility for an NHS Athens account will be determined on this page. Ensure that you supply an NHS email address if you have one. Click the "What are the OpenAthens Eligibility Criteria?" to find out more.

Note: Pay particular attention to the email address you supply as this needs to be correct for you to receive an invitation to activate your account. 

Your Organisation
You can find your organisation by typing its name into the keyword box. There is an autosuggest feature which will try to help you find the relevant organization.

Click on the "I cannot find my organisation" button if your organisation does not come up. This will request for your name and require you to select the Region/Area you work in so that you can be identified.

Your Details
The details you provide in this section are used to identify your account. Ensure that you supply your details as fully as possible.

You will be required to read and accept the terms and conditions under Data Protection. You may choose to or not to agree to be contacted by NICE for future surveys.

Once your account is verified, your details will be displayed.
  • Make a note of the username you are given. 
  • You will receive an email at the address you supplied.
  • Click on the link in the email to activate your account. 
  • You will be prompted to create your password and submit.

You will be prompted to accept the terms and conditions once more and your NHS Athens account will become active.

If you have any problems with your NHS Athens account or forget your username or password, do not hesitate to contact your local NHS Library.

Knowledge and Library Services                                       Knowledge and Library Services
Newham University Hospital                                             Whipps Cross University Hospital
020 7363 8016                                                                020 8535 6973                   

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Finding the Evidence in March and April 2013

Want to know how to find journal articles on your particular topic of interest? Then join one of these sessions and learn to search databases and access full text journal articles.

The session will teach you how to:
-   Plan your search strategy
-   Understand how to carry out a subject search
-   Combine search terms
-   Apply date or other limits to the search
-   View, save or print results
-   Access any available full text

Sessions can also be organized at a time to suit you or your group.


Monday 18 March 2013 2 - 3:30pm
  Friday 12 April 2013 2:30 - 4pm

These events will be held in the Cyber Room. Book on ESR or contact the library on x8016 or at


Monday 4 March 2013 10:30 - 12:30pm

Contact the library on x5311 or at  
                                                                                                    (c) Image Creative Commons - jakebutz

Monday, 18 February 2013

Clinical Key - Searching and Saving


Clinical Key is organized into sections including journals, books, practice guidelines, patient education, drugs, CMEs, and multimedia which you can browse through.
The tabs can be found on the top left of the Clinical Key page and can be clicked on to browse for further information. Select the type of content you want to browse and the browse screen for the content type opens e.g. Journals.
  • The left panel displays a search box, alphabet filters, and a list of specialties and the number of journals available in each. Typing into the search box or clicking on an alphabet from A-Z narrows down the list of journals. Clicking on the Show more link displays additional specialties.
  • The centre panel displays a complete list of journals in Clinical Key, in alphabetical order by name.


As you start typing into the Clinical Key Search Bar, you will find that the AutoSuggest feature automatically displays a list of relevant search terms. You can continue typing to refine the list or simply click on the best match from the list.

This displays the Search Results page which has three panels. Results are sorted by relevance automatically.
  • The left pane enables you to filter your results by Content Type, Specialty, Study Type and Date.
  • The centre panel allows you to view search results in order of clinical relevance. You can also select items to print or share via email.
  • The right panel has tabs you can use to display additional information for the selected result. Click on the chevron arrowof the selected result to preview its content in the right panel.
If a result displays a PDF icon, you can click on the icon to download the content directly as a PDF document.
Click on the plus sign next to the Saved Searches button at the top of the page to store frequently used search terms for quick access later. You can click on the Saved Searches button to view and manage your saved searches.

Reading and Saving Search Results

Click on a title to open it on the Content Reader and view the full content. The Content Reader also has three panels.
  • The left panel displays Outlines or Table of Contents for easy navigation.
  • The centre panel displays the full-text content of which sections can be selected from the left panel.
  • The right panel includes additional information such as the author(s), references etc.

At the top of the centre panel, there are icons available to help you manage the content.
  • Printer - this allows you to print the content.
  • Envelope - this allows you to send the content in an email (Recipient must have Clinical Key to view full content).
  • PDF - this allows you to download the content as PDF document after which you can save it.
  • RSS - this feature is only displayed when you are on an individual journal's landing page or when viewing a journal article. It enables you to view and subscribe to an RSS feed containing all of the journal articles within the most recently published issue of that particular journal plus links to each corresponding article's URL on 

Reading List 

You can use the Clinical Key Reading List to save articles and other content then access them at a later time.
  • From the centre panel of the Search Results page, you can check boxes next to articles you want to save to your Reading List.
  • Click the + (plus sign) on the right of the Reading List button to add them (a pop-up message will indicate that you added an item to the Reading List).
For a single title, you can drag the chevron arrow to the Reading List button to add it. You can also add an article you are studying in the Content Reader to your Reading List by clicking the + (plus sign) on the right of the Reading List button.

To view or edit your Reading List, click on the Reading List button. Here you can select items from your Reading List to remove, print or share via email.

Presentation Maker

You can use the Presentation Maker to collect and save images to share or present by exporting to PowerPoint.
  • From the centre panel of the Search Results page, you can check boxes next to images you want to add to your Presentation Maker.
  • Click the + (plus sign) on the right of the Presentation button on the upper right corner of the right panel (a pop-up message will indicate that you added an item to the Presentation Maker).
You can also drag and drop any image from the centre panel of the Search Results page to the Presentation button to add it to your Presentation Maker.
To add images from a book or article you've opened, click on the image and a new window pops up which includes the image, description and citation. Click on the Add to Presentation button at the bottom right of the window to add the image to your Presentation Maker.

Click on the Presentation button to view or edit your Presentation Maker. To export images, click the Export to PowerPoint button at the top left of the Presentation Maker window.

Go to the Clinical Key - a guide Blog for help with troubleshooting and logging in to Clinical Key.