Monday, 16 September 2013

Informa Healthcare Journals Trial (September - November 2013)

Barts Health NHS Trust Knowledge and Library Services is pleased to announce a three month trial to Informa Healthcare Journals from September to November 2013. During this period, all staff and students on placement will have unrestricted access to high impact research content across a vast range of therapeutic disciplines, from bench to bedside. Review research content from over 180 peer reviewed journals including Expert Opinion and the Expert Reviews series.

Some of the most cited titles among healthcare professionals include:
  • British Journal of Neurosurgery
  • Disability and Rehabilitation
  • Expert Opinion on Drug Safety 
  • International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
  • Journal of Interprofessional Care
  • Journal of Mental Health
  • Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
  • Medical Teacher
To access all these and more, visit the Journals and Databases site and search by title (You will need to login with your NHS Athens username and password).

If need any further information, please contact the Library 
Newham - 020 7363 8016
Whipps Cross - 020 8535 6973

Monday, 2 September 2013

Clinical Key EBooks now searchable on the Library Catalogue

There are now over a thousand leading medical and surgical Ebooks from ClinicalKey covering all major specialties available to search on the Library catalogue. Simply click on the resource link for access (you will still be required to login to ClinicalKey).

You can also browse these books on the ClinicalKey website.

Your NHS Athens account gives you access to full-text, images and video clips.

For help on how to access ClinicalKey, click here.