Friday, 15 August 2014

DynaMed and DynaMed mobile

DynaMed provides access to the best available evidence for making informed clinical decisions. You can access this resource from the ‘I want to’ menu on the right hand side of every Barts Health intranet page, or by logging into your NHS OpenAthens account and selecting ‘My resources’ and then ‘EBSCO databases… DynaMed’.

To request a unique serial number to install DynaMed mobile on your mobile device, email

Bank Holiday closure times 25 August 2014

Knowledge and Library Services at Whipps Cross and Newham will be closed for bank holiday on Monday 25 August 2014.

For book returns at Newham, please use the book return box by the first floor entrance to the Education Centre. For book returns at Whipps Cross, please use the book return box near the entrance to the Medical Education Centre. You can also contact us by email at and we will respond as soon as possible when the libraries reopen.

Library systems upgrade, Friday 22 August 2014

Knowledge and Library Services will be upgrading our library systems on Friday 22 August 2014 from 8.30am to 11.30am. This should provide improved access to the library catalogue on mobile phones and tablet devices.

There may be some disruption to library services during the upgrade process.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Bank holiday closure times May 2014

Knowledge and Library Services at Whipps Cross and Newham will be closed for bank holidays on Monday 5 May 2014 and Monday 26 May 2014.

For book returns at Newham, please use the book return box by the first floor entrance to the Education Centre.

For book returns at Whipps Cross, please use the book return box near the entrance to the Medical Education Centre.

You can also contact us by email at and we will respond as soon as possible when the library reopens.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Reading Groups 29 April (Newham) and 30 April (Whipps Cross)

Reading groups open to all Trust staff will be held in the libraries at Newham and Whipps Cross on the following dates:
  • Newham Tuesday 29 April 2014 5pm-6pm
  • Whipps Cross Wednesday 30 April 2014 5pm-6pm
The book for the first session will be Levels of Life, a short book by Julian Barnes published in 2013. The first session will also provide opportunities to discuss and agree future reads.

If you are interested in attending or if you have any questions, please email

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Bank holiday closure times April 2014

Knowledge and Library Services at Whipps Cross and Newham will be closed for bank holidays on Friday 18 April 2014 and Monday 21 April 2014.

For book returns at Newham, please use the book return box by the first floor entrance to the Education Centre.

For book returns at Whipps Cross, please use the book return box near the entrance to the Medical Education Centre.

You can also contact us by email at and we will respond as soon as possible when the library reopens.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

UpToDate training sessions Monday 31 March

Are you currently using UpToDate to inform patient care decisions? Have you heard of UpToDate, but have never used it? Would you like to find out how you can use UpToDate more effectively?

UpToDate is a clinical decision support resource providing point of care access to the latest evidence in a wide range of medical specialties.

An expert UpToDate trainer will be leading three training sessions on Monday 31 March 2014. The training will take place at Whitechapel Library, Queen Mary, University of London, on the Royal London Hospital site. Sessions will run for about 30 minutes at 10am, 11am and 12 noon

Join a session on the day or guarantee a place by emailing:

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

UpToDate access restored

Links to UpToDate from the Barts Health Library Catalogue and Intranet are now working. We would like to thank all our users for their patience while this issue was being resolved. Access is still available using your Athens logins (which also gives you access to a lot of other great resources subscribed to by the Knowledge and Library Service). Go to the UpToDate website and click on the Log in button on the right hand side of the page. This will take you to a login page and you can enter your details in the Log in via Athens option. You may be prompted to set up a linked account but you can skip this if you are not planning to use UpToDate regularly offsite.

For those not already familiar with UpToDate, it is a point of care tool to help you answer clinical questions quickly. It has a straightforward search box and offers topic reviews that include a synthesis of the literature, recent evidence and specific recommendations for patient care.

Athens access means you can use it at the location of your convenience and although it is not mobile optimised, it is possible to open the system on the device of your choice. You can self register for Athens from any Barts Health computer and once registered you can use it from any PC.

If you already have an Athens login but have forgotten your details or just need some help, contact the Library Team.