Thursday, 2 July 2015

A guide to ClinicalKey

ClinicalKey is a clinical insight engine that addresses your key clinical research requirements from a collection of clinical resources which include MEDLINE, eBooks, journals, drug information and more.

Logging in

To access ClinicalKey, you need to login via your NHS Athens account with your Athens username and password.

  • In the upper right hand corner of the Home Page, click Login and this takes you to the Login page.
  • Select the OpenAthens login option.
  •  The Athens authentication page opens. Enter your NHS Athens account details and Login.

Personalized Registration

This is a free user profile which is required to view, email or print PDFs of book chapters or articles and other exclusive benefits such as:
  • Saved searches - save images, your search history, your own collection of book chapters and articles to read at your leisure.
  • Presentation Maker - collect and save images to your presentations. 
  • CME - Free CME credit for online, structured, self-directed learning which is provided by the Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. 
Click Register at the top right hand corner of the home page to reveal the online registration page. Fill the form and click on Register.

Remote Access

This resource provides Self Managed Remote Access which verifies your email against the domain name of the Trust to activate 180 days of remote access when you are not on your institution's network. You will need to be on the Trust network when you activate remote access.

If you do have a personalized profile,
  • Click Login at the top right hand corner of the home page.
  • Click the link under Remote Access Activation
  • Enter the email address associated with your profile and click Continue

If you do not have a personalized profile,

  • Click Register at the top right hand corner of the home page.
  • Use your email address to fill in the required information on the registration page. Click on register at the bottom of the page when it's completed.

An activation message will be displayed and you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the link within the confirmation email and to activate remote access. Remote access is now activated and you can use ClinicalKey anytime, anywhere when logged into your user profile.

You will need to log into your personalized profile while on the Trust network prior to the end of the 180 days to extend remote access for a further 180 days. Once your access expires, you need to go through the steps above to reactivate it.


Clicking on the Log out button logs you out of ClinicalKey but does not log out your Athens account. You must completely close the browser you are using (e.g. FireFox or Explorer) to ensure that your session is terminated. This is important if you are on a shared computer. Your account will be logged out automatically after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Go to the Searching and saving on ClinicalKey Blog for help navigating Clinical Key.

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