Thursday, 27 December 2012

Searching the Healthcare Databases Training Session

Is finding evidence to support your study or practice a problem? Then join a hands-on training session and learn how to search the healthcare databases.

The session will teach you how to:
-   Plan your search strategy
-   Understand how to carry out a subject search
-   Combine search terms
-   Apply date or other limits to the search
-   View, save or print results
-   Access any available full text

Sessions can also be organized at a time to suit you or your group.


Wednesday 9 January 2013 11:30 - 1pm
Tuesday 19 February 2013 9:30 - 11am

These events will be held in the Cyber Room. Book on ESR or contact the library on x8016 or at


Wednesday 16th January 2013 2 - 4pm
Monday 11th February 2013 10.:30 - 12:30pm

Contact the library on x5311 or at

                                                                                                                              (c) Image Creative Commons - Emyan

Critical Appraisal Training Session

Do you need to know what to look for when conducting a Critical Appraisal? Then join one of these sessions to assess the relevance of a published article.

The aims of the sessions are:
-   Understanding the principles of quantitaive and qualitative appraisal
-   Awareness of critical appraisal tools
-   Practice appraising a research paper (This element involves reading through a research paper which will be supplied prior to the session).

Sessions can also be organized at a time to suit your group.


Tuesday 15 January 2013 10 - 12pm
Wednesday 13 February 2013 2 - 4pm

These events will be held in the Cyber Room. Book on ESR or contact the library on x8016 or at


Wednesday 27 February 2013 2 - 4pm

Contact the library on x5311 or at
                                                                                                 (c) Image Creative Commons - Clover_1

Monday, 17 December 2012

What happened to the catalogue?

Over the weekend the Knowledge and Library Services have merged one of our key pieces of software.  This will help us work more effectively across the Trust and should make life simpler for you.

If you were registered at Newham University Hospital or Whipps Cross University Hospital you will now be able to borrow books on either site without needing to reregister.

The Barts Health catalogue is accessible from anywhere where you have internet access.  The web addresses for the old library catalogues will redirect you to the new system (so those onsite at Newham can continue to use the desktop icon for quick access).

You do not need to login to search our catalogue and it includes all the books at Newham and Whipps plus links to ebooks where applicable. Speak to a member of the team if you want to borrow a book from another site.  You can also login to renew your books or reserve ones for collection.  Reader login details are unchanged - watch for more information in our next update to users.

Please bear with us as we work through all the changes.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

New Books in November

The New Books List for November is now ready with titles ranging across a wide spectrum. We have purchased the new edition of the Oxford handbook of nutrition and dietetics as well as the 18th edition of Smith and Tanagho's general urology. We have also acquired titles on radiology such as Chest x-rays for medical students and Primer of diagnostic imaging.

Surgical titles include Handbook of surgical consent by R Nair and How to operate: for MRCS candidates and other surgical trainees by M Stephenson which contains three DVDs covering 10 hours of introduction to each procedure. Nurses will be interested in Becoming a registered nurse: making the transition to practice by J Temple and An introduction to evidence-based practise in nursing and healthcare by A Poole.

Feel free to recommend titles for us to add to our stock and if all you need is a novel, don't forget our General Reads shelves.

                                                                                                    (c) Image Creative Commons a.drian

Monday, 3 December 2012

Change to Athens Login on Science Direct

Science Direct is the journal platform from the publisher Elsevier.  We use this to access The Lancet across the Trust (more titles to come in the new year).

A change has been made to how you login using NHS Athens.

Click on "Login"

Click on "Go to Athens / Institution Login"

Choose "OpenAthens Federation (Eduserv)" from the drop down list under "Please choose your institution's region or group"

You will be presented with a long list.  Fortunately this is arranged in alphabetical order - scroll down and click on "NHS England"

You will now be prompted for your regular NHS Athens login.

Fortunately when you next login on that machine you will see a new option when you click "Login" of "NHS England Login" so it will not be such a lot of clicks.

Friday, 16 November 2012

UpToDate now available anywhere

Fix (C) amanky
We are happy to report that UpToDate is now available without a login and password via links on the Intranet.

You will find it linked from the bottom right hand corner of the Barts Health Intranet and all of the intranet links you may previously have used are now up and running again.

The very good news is that we have also been able to Athens enable UpToDate.
  For those not already familiar with UpToDate it is a point of care tool to help you answer clinical questions quickly. It has a straightforward search box and offers topic reviews that include a synthesis of the literature, recent evidence and specific recommendations for patient care.

Athens access means you can use at the location of your convience.  While not mobile optimised it is also possible to open the system on the device of your choice.

You can self register for Athens from any Barts Health PC and once registered you can use it from any PC.  The same login will give you access to all our electronic resources (more announcements to come on these).  If you already have an Athens login but have forgotten your details or just need some help contact the teams at and  

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Hello, world!

This is the new Barts Health Knowledge and Library Services blog!