Monday, 17 December 2012

What happened to the catalogue?

Over the weekend the Knowledge and Library Services have merged one of our key pieces of software.  This will help us work more effectively across the Trust and should make life simpler for you.

If you were registered at Newham University Hospital or Whipps Cross University Hospital you will now be able to borrow books on either site without needing to reregister.

The Barts Health catalogue is accessible from anywhere where you have internet access.  The web addresses for the old library catalogues will redirect you to the new system (so those onsite at Newham can continue to use the desktop icon for quick access).

You do not need to login to search our catalogue and it includes all the books at Newham and Whipps plus links to ebooks where applicable. Speak to a member of the team if you want to borrow a book from another site.  You can also login to renew your books or reserve ones for collection.  Reader login details are unchanged - watch for more information in our next update to users.

Please bear with us as we work through all the changes.

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