Monday, 3 December 2012

Change to Athens Login on Science Direct

Science Direct is the journal platform from the publisher Elsevier.  We use this to access The Lancet across the Trust (more titles to come in the new year).

A change has been made to how you login using NHS Athens.

Click on "Login"

Click on "Go to Athens / Institution Login"

Choose "OpenAthens Federation (Eduserv)" from the drop down list under "Please choose your institution's region or group"

You will be presented with a long list.  Fortunately this is arranged in alphabetical order - scroll down and click on "NHS England"

You will now be prompted for your regular NHS Athens login.

Fortunately when you next login on that machine you will see a new option when you click "Login" of "NHS England Login" so it will not be such a lot of clicks.

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